Remember a fake video of Ratan Tata called out on a deepfake fraud ad circulated using AI cloning tech? In the ad, he was seen promoting an investment opportunity with a fictitious person named Sona Agarwal.

Ratan Tata called out on a deepfake

Turned out the images were created using AI image and voice cloning technology. These AI-generated images and videos have the potential to propagate misinformation, violate privacy or worse, show obscene material without permission.

To overcome it, Google is increasing its efforts to address this increasing problem in response to the development of such content. They have recently released an algorithmic upgrade that targets blatant deep fakes.

We’ll explore how this latest Google update works, why it’s necessary and how it impacts content creators and users.

What are Deepfakes?

Deepfakes are synthetic media created using artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technologies. They can depict individuals saying or doing things they never actually did, altering real-world images or manipulating audio to deceive viewers or technology systems.

Factors Affecting ROI of Digital Transformation

Deepfakes are crafted using advanced AI tools like adversarial networks and autoencoders. These technologies analyze vast amounts of data to accurately replicate a person’s facial expressions, voice and mannerisms.

Unlike traditional media editing, AI-driven deepfakes can create highly convincing and lifelike alterations, making them harder to detect and potentially harmful.

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Why is Google Targeting Explicit Deepfakes?

As deepfake technology advances, its potential for misuse raises significant concerns, prompting platforms like Google to take action against explicit deepfakes that can mislead and harm public discourse. Here are some notable deepfake examples:

  • The Mandalorian Luke Skywalker deepfake: AI recreated a younger Luke Skywalker for “The Mandalorian”, reviving the character with striking realism.
  • The Nancy Pelosi slowed-down video: A manipulated video made Nancy Pelosi appear intoxicated by altering her speech, misleading viewers.
  • Obama’s message to the public: A deepfake showed Obama delivering a false message, illustrating how AI can create deceptive content.
  • Zuckerberg deep fake where he makes a controversial statement: A deep fake depicted Mark Zuckerberg making controversial statements, using his likeness to spread misinformation.

The latest Google update targets explicit deepfakes to prevent the spread of harmful and misleading content that these advanced AI-generated images and videos can create. The company has changed how it ranks, and results have already been exposed to explicit visual content by over 70% on searches.

Deepfake AI Powered Fraud

Moreover, Google’s search update algorithms are designed to boost news articles and other nonexplicit information where harmful results may have previously surfaced.

Emma Higham, Google’s Product Manager, states, “With these changes, people can read about the impact deepfakes are having on society, rather than see pages with actual nonconsensual fake images.

ALSO READ: Google Search March Core Update 2024 edition

Changes in Google Search Algorithm Targeting Explicit Deepfakes

As we know, Google SEO update has made various changes in search algorithms to target deepfake frauds. Let’s discuss these key changes in Google’s search algorithm that reflect its ongoing efforts to improve search quality and user experience:

Google Search Algorithm Targeting Explicit Deepfakes

1. Ranking System Modification

The latest Google update for countering deepfake content simplifies the process of removing it from Search Results and modifies its ranking algorithm to lessen its visibility.

  • Limit deepfake content visibility by filtering searches for non-consensual explicit material
  • Prioritize secure, authoritative sources for searches related to deepfakes or personal names
  • Penalize websites with excessive fake explicit imagery by lowering their search rankings

2. Content Removal Process

With new technologies that search the web for similar or duplicate information, the original, non-consensual, explicit phony content will no longer appear in Google’s search results.

According to Google’s Product Manager, Emma Higham, “These changes are major updates to our protections on Search, but there’s more work to do to address this issue, and we’ll keep developing new solutions to help people affected by this content.”

Google algorithm update is a continuous attempt to make sure Search can adjust to the fake explicit digital content.

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3. Site Demotion

Site Demotion refers to Google’s tactic of devaluing websites that regularly host or disseminate explicit deepfake content in search results.

When Google finds that a website is disseminating dangerous or deceptive deepfake content, it moves the website down in the search results, making it less noticeable.

4. Emphasis on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

Emphasis on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is a crucial component of Google’s strategy to counter explicit deepfakes. This strategy ensures search results give priority to reputable and trustworthy material.

Since E-E-A-T effectively serves as a quality filter, Google gives websites that demonstrate true knowledge, reliable information, and trustworthiness in their content more weight.

Google’s algorithm will prefer news sources, educational websites, or authoritative platforms that present reliable information when consumers search for themes linked to explicit deepfakes.

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Impact of Google Search Algorithm Update

Google has already claimed that the upgrade has significantly decreased the amount of explicit imagery that appears in searches—by 70% in the case of specific inquiries.

Google will now prioritize factual results on specific people, show instructional content about the impact of deepfakes on society, and eliminate the offending deepfake content.

Google added, “With these changes, people can read about the impact deep fakes are having on society, rather than see pages with actual non-consensual fake images.”

The Future of Deepfake Detection

As deepfake technology advances, so must the methods for detecting and combating it. The future of deepfake detection encompasses several key developments:

1. Advanced AI and Machine Learning Models

  • Detection techniques will utilize advanced AI and machine learning algorithms.
  • These algorithms can identify subtle alterations in photos, videos, and audio.
  • Models will analyze patterns and inconsistencies undetectable by the human eye
  • Enhanced accuracy in deepfake identification is expected.

2. Real-Time Detection Systems

  • Growing emphasis on real-time deepfake detection systems.
  • Aim to identify fake content instantaneously.
  • Prevent the rapid spread of misinformation on social media and online channels.

3. Blockchain Technology Integration

  • Blockchain technology verifies the authenticity of digital content.
  • It traces the origins and modifications of media files.
  • Ensures legitimacy, aiding in the detection of deepfakes.
  • It helps prevent the distribution of fraudulent media.

4. Collaborative Efforts

  • Effective deepfake detection needs collaboration among tech companies, governments, and research institutions.
  • Stakeholders should share knowledge and resources.
  • Collaboration leads to stronger strategies against evolving deepfake techniques.

5. Regulatory Frameworks

  • Governments are implementing regulations on the creation and distribution of deepfakes.
  • Legal standards and penalties can deter malicious use.
  • These measures support technological solutions to combat deepfake fraud.
Protect Your Brand from Deepfake-Related Risks

Partner with us to ensure your business stays compliant with Google’s updated algorithm targeting explicit deepfakes.

Wrapping Up

The Google Search Algorithm update targeting explicit deepfakes represents a significant step toward creating a safer and more reliable digital environment. Google prioritizes user protection and content integrity by reducing the visibility of harmful deepfake content and emphasizing trustworthy sources.

At PixelCrayons, we understand how crucial it is to stay aligned with search engine changes and offer tailored digital solutions to help businesses adapt. Whether it’s optimizing your website to meet evolving SEO standards, preventing organic traffic drop or enhancing content security, we’re here to support your digital transformation.

Contact our SEO company today to explore how our services can help you stay safe in a dynamic digital landscape!

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